The Journal offers 40 clever strategies to help tweens with friendship dramas, schoolwork and their confidence. Chapter titles include: Handling Friendship Stuff, Handling Tough Friendship Stuff, Enjoying the Daily Routine, Understanding Stressful Feelings, Conquering Schoolwork and Homework and Knowing How to Contribute. This book is full of real-life stories, easy to read strategies, journal pages and beautiful illustrations!
This book is ideal for both boys and girls, perfect for ages 8 – 12 years and helps answer questions such as:
• I find maths difficult. How can I enjoy schoolwork more?
• Someone is being mean to me. How can I make them stop?
• Some of my friends are spreading rumours. What shall I do if I hear gossip?
• I didn’t get invited to my friend’s party. How do I handle disappointments?
• My best friend is really sad. How can I help?