The Baby Sign for Australians Book includes over 230 sign images with easy to understand explanations
Signs are listed under the categories;
Getting Dressed, Food Time, Play Time, At the Park, Bath Time, Bed Time, to help you select one part of your day at a time, in which to learn and introduce sign.
With additional sections including;
My Family, Pets, Important Words and Colours.
Five popular nursery rhymes / songs. ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’, ‘Twinkle Little Star’ and ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’
Baby Sign information, hints and tips Including helpful ‘Hints and Tips’ from other parents and professionals; ‘Facts and Myths’ about Baby Sign; and
Information about ‘Auslan and how it differs from foreign sign languages’
There is also an alphabetical index at the back, to help you quickly look up signs; and now also includes a detailed list of Associations that can help parents.